Bhangarh- History Or Mystery


This article is about a fort named Bhangarh Fort situated in Rajasthan. The most mysterious thing about this fort is that is it haunted or not. But one thing is that when anyone talks about the most haunted place in India, Bhangarh tops the place.

It is believed that Rajasthan is a city where many secrets are buried with many forts but then why everybody talks about only one mystery that nobody knows where it started and how it will end.

This article is regarding a fort Bhangarh that has many mysteries and Stories.

When it comes to the most haunted places in India, Bhangarh is Number one, and when someone talks about the most cursed and haunted place, it will be at everyone's lips. 

So let's go through, how it all started.

It is believed that the fort was constructed by Raja Madho Singh, the younger brother of Man Singh of Amber, a famous Mughal commander, in the 18th century. Bhangarh had about 9,000 homes, excluding the royal palace, until 1720, when the population progressively decreased.

But then what happened or what incident occurred that a fruitful Fort became destructive?

And at night, nobody wants to go there, and nowadays fear is at so many peaks that nobody wants to go in the daylight too.

After dusk and before dawn, you will not see a single creature. The Government of India has also given straightforward instructions that nobody will enter Bhangarh Fort after 5 Pm and entering here in the evening is Illegal and strict measures will be taken against that person. At present, the livelihood is zero and it has been declared a tourist place by the Government of India.

Cause of the Mystery

To be very honest, nobody knows the actual cause that what happened but there are a lot of stories from which we can conclude the result. And from those stories, two famous stories are there whose narration is told here.

The very first story is regarding Guru Balunath. When this fort was under construction, in the reign of Raja Madho Singh, Guru BaluNath was doing Austerity. He wrote to Madho Singh that “I have no problem that you are building this fort but one thing you should keep in mind is that don't construct it to such an elevation that its shadow touches me when I am doing Austerity”. At that time, monks are so perfect man and their words were very effective, that it has wide consideration by the then Kings and every single person.

So, Raja Madho Singh did not construct this fort to a height and kept the words of Guru Balu Nath. His words were kept for two decades after Madho Singh but the third generation did not take them seriously and reconstructed the fort giving it an elevation. When its shadow starts covering Balunath, and the instant it touched him, he gave a curse to the entire Bhangarh that it will collapse. As the result, the fort collapsed and to this date, nobody can create it as due to the curse, the rooftop of the fort and nearby buildings falls every time it is constructed.

It is also believed that the Chalisa Akaal (A Famine) which occurred in 1783 resulted in the deaths of millions occurred due to the curse of Guru Balu Nath.

The second story which is believed by almost everyone is connected to a Princess. The story is, when Bhangarh was developed, there lived a beautiful princess named Rani Ratnavati who was liked by every male of that time and everyone wanted to marry her.

Many marriage proposals come for her to and fro by the then kings as everyone wants to marry her. But one more lover she had was a Tantrik named Singhvi. He wanted Ratnavati at any cost and side by side he is aware of the fact that he cannot marry Princess as she lives in the fort and he lives on the cremature ground. So he started using odd tactics and was waiting for the right time to use them. One day he got a chance.

The story is when the female slave of Rani Ratnavati came to the market to buy Hair Oil for Ratnavati, Singhvi stops her and gave the oil to the slave and told her that this is for Rani Ratnavati, please give it to her. When the slave came back and gave the bottle of oil to Ratnavati, she saw the bottle and doubted as Rani Ratnavati too knows about the good and bad magic. She asked the slave that did she meet someone in the market. The female slave said yes and told the name of Tantrik Singhvi. As a result, Rani Ratnavati threw all the oil on a rock and the oil spread all over the rock.

She did this because the oil was full of black magical chants and whomsoever uses that oil will get hypnotized by Singhvi and come to him easily. But even always wins by the odds. The rock on which oil spread, started crawling towards Singhvi and before Singhvi can do anything, it pressed his chest and in the last moment .he gave a curse that Bhangarh fort with Rani Ratnavati, will vanish and the spirit of every person of that fort will roam in future also and will not get salvation.

Because of the curse, there held a war between Bhangarh and Ajabgarh after he died, and Bhangarh as a whole was decimated. Following the victory, the Ajabgarhi army slaughtered the people including Rani Ratnavati.

Some historians believed that there is no such proof of a war between Bhangarh and Azamgarh but this story is famous and known to everyone. After that, Bhangarh was never adopted, and that was the end of it and as time passed, it became the habitat of Ghosts, and no living human dared to live there. Those who dared paid the cost with their lives. It is believed that these ghosts are the spirit of the soldier who were killed in the war and they roam here and there in the hope of getting salvation and who so ever comes in their way, gets killed.

People say that they see the market overnight, and listen to the voice of someone screaming, some laughing, and some talking, and sometimes the music of small bells also known as Ghungroo. People also say that the Assembly of the king is held here at night and the king gives decisions to the people like an assembly. They also say that who so ever go inside the fort at night, never comes back, and rarely those who came back, lost their senses or suffered from a mental disorder, or get killed in an accident.

One more interesting thing is that every fort has a story but Bhangarh only has a story of by whom it is constructed but nobody knows how it was destroyed. This makes the place more interesting. People who visit there in the daytime say that they experience that some invisible power is watching them or someone is following them. Some say that they got clutched by their neck and some say that when they visited Ratnavati’s room, they got slapped by some invisible power or get hallucinated.

By the comment of these people, many reporting channels and their anchors with paranormal activists visited there. They reported that they felt some negative energy but they didn’t see any evil, nor they saw any market at the night. They say that these all are myths created by the people and as the Government of India banned everyone to visit there at night, Bhangarh got its haunted value.


Overall it was never expected that Bhangarh would become such a haunted place, but due to the stories told and the incidents that occurred, it has become so and also a destination for tourists. Nobody knows what happened 300 years ago in Bhangarh and for what reason it has become a haunted place. It is still a mystery for everyone and maybe will remain a mystery forever.


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